感谢您成为NAEA社区的一员. 我们致力于提供一个安全, 协作, 和欢迎所有虚拟参与者的环境. 确保所有会员都能获得最好的体验, 我们已经为参与虚拟活动建立了一些基本准则, 社交媒体平台, 社区讨论板和现场活动.
感谢您成为NAEA社区的一员. 我们致力于提供一个安全, 协作, 和欢迎所有虚拟参与者的环境. 确保所有会员都能获得最好的体验, 我们已经为参与虚拟活动建立了一些基本准则, 社交媒体平台, 社区讨论板和现场活动.
Failure to comply to the NAEA行为准则 will result in a formal warning and may result in temporary or permanent suspension of access to one or more of NAEA’s events (virtual or in person) and platforms, 不退款. Three violations may result in temporary or permanent removal from all NAEA virtual platforms and events and/or immediate cancellation of NAEA membership.
请花点时间熟悉一下这些重要的指导方针. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系NAEA
此政策适用于所有NAEA社交媒体平台和虚拟活动, 包括 those sponsored by organizations and/or 合作伙伴 other than NAEA but held in conjunction with NAEA events, 在公共或私人平台上. 所有的参与者, 包括, 但不限于, 与会者, 演讲者, 委员会成员, 合作伙伴, 参展商, NAEA团队成员, 会员福利提供者, 所有其他人都应该遵守这一政策.
通过参与任何虚拟活动, 社交媒体平台组, 和/或社区讨论板, 您同意您已阅读并将遵守这些规则和指导方针. 你也同意继续讨论, 共享文件, 以及最适合该媒体的相关内容.
NAEA为我们的会员和合作伙伴提供了许多提供信息的机会. 我们鼓励您在我们众多的产品中选择合适的出口. 以下是NAEA提供的一些其他地点的例子:
This site is provided as a service for the members of National Association of Enrolled Agents. National Association of Enrolled Agents is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on this site by others. 我们对本网站上发布的信息不作任何保证, whether posted by National Association of Enrolled Agents or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall National Association of Enrolled Agents be liable for any special, 间接, 或相应的损害赔偿或因失去使用而造成的任何损害赔偿, data, 或利润, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.
Do not post any defamatory, 虐待, 亵渎, 威胁, 进攻, or illegal materials. Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. 通过投寄材料, the posting party warrants and represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner. 除了, the posting party grants National Association of Enrolled Agents and users of this site the nonexclusive right and license to display, 复制, 发布, 分发, 传输, 打印, 并使用这些信息或其他材料.
Messages should not be posted if they encourage or facilitate members to arrive at any agreement that either expressly or impliedly leads to price fixing, 抵制:对他人生意的抵制, 非法限制自由贸易的其他行为. Messages that encourage or facilitate an agreement about the following subjects are inappropriate: prices, 折扣, or terms or conditions of sale; salaries; profits, 利润率, or cost data; market shares, 销售地区, or markets; allocation of customers or territories; or selection, 拒绝, 或终止客户或供应商.
National Association of Enrolled Agents reserves the right to terminate access to any user who does not abide by these guidelines.
NAEA致力于提供一个安全的, 富有成效的, 为所有与会者和NAEA工作人员提供温馨的环境. 所有的参与者, 包括, 但不限于, 与会者, 演讲者, 志愿者, 参展商, NAEA工作人员, 服务提供商, 以及所有其他人都应遵守本行为准则. 本政策适用于所有NAEA会议相关活动, 包括 those sponsored by organizations other than NAEA but held in conjunction with NAEA events, 在公共或私人平台上.
通过参加任何NAEA活动, 您同意您已阅读并将遵守这些规则和指导方针.
任何社区成员的不可接受的行为都是不能容忍的. 不可接受的行为包括但不限于:
所有的诽谤, 虐待, 亵渎, 威胁, 进攻, 严禁携带或携带非法物品.